Everyone has a story to scrap
Everyone has a story to scrap

everyone has a story to scrap

  • ‘Soon the cats began to feed on people's discarded food scraps.’.
  • ‘From our experience, the process may take up to two weeks, and adding fresh food scraps to the new bin will encourage the migration.’.
  • ‘The preferred dish for festivals, guinea pigs, are often raised in the house and provide a productive use for kitchen scraps and discarded food.’.
  • ‘I am astounded that we are not able to put compostable waste such as food scraps etc in the green bin.’.
  • ‘Remember, baits will only be effective if there is no other accessible food around, for example dirty dishes, food scraps.’.
  • ‘For the raccoons, he left food scraps in a hubcap dish leashed by chain to a tree so the animals wouldn't drag it under the cottage.’.
  • ‘Never leave any food, even leftover scraps or candy bars, around your tent or campfire.’.
  • ‘Women or tailors give Baye Falls scraps of fabric to sew together into colorful patchwork clothing.’.
  • ‘Random scraps of memories of days gone by kept coming all day.’.
  • ‘Before long, struck flints and small scraps of Neolithic pottery were uncovered and, after a week, the team found its first burial site.’.
  • everyone has a story to scrap

  • ‘They point to a recent survey which found scraps of plastic in the digestive systems of 96% of dead seabirds.’.
  • everyone has a story to scrap

  • ‘I'd picked up these scraps of knowledge in two ways.’.
  • ‘If someone began putting together all the scraps of information about you that are scattered round the net in this form, they'd quickly build a pretty detailed picture of your life.’.
  • ‘Hand-held scraps of sandpaper are the best option for pressing into elaborate cornicing and mouldings, leaving your hands crying out for Vaseline afterwards.’.
  • ‘He was doing something unheard of: calling the hunters in their territories, looking for scraps of information.’.
  • ‘I learned that Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author, was obsessed with the number 64 and wrote it on scraps of paper wherever he went.’.
  • ‘To them, and to anyone else considering going to the baths, I offer the following scraps of advice and tidbits of wisdom, which years of experience entitle me to bestow.’.
  • ‘Over the course of the conference, numerous participants came up to the table and carefully stapled their scraps of paper to it.’.
  • ‘Its floor was covered with scraps of fur, wood shavings, twigs, numerous artifacts, and an occasional flagstone.’.
  • ‘Like a quilt made from drastically different scraps of fabric, the puzzle they kept trying to piece together stubbornly pulled apart.’.
  • ‘She got up and went to the box where she kept special scraps of paper or clippings.’.
  • ‘The nearby street was littered with shattered vehicles, pieces of glass, bricks, mangled steel and scraps of clothing.’.
  • ‘It is an art to piece together a picture from the millions of scraps of data that are available.’.
  • ‘He saw deep tire tracks in the sand, with wood chips and a few scraps of driftwood littering the beach.’.
  • ‘He always had a treat for me a piece of lard, scraps of smoked fish or ham served with a bright smile and a pat on the head.’.
  • ‘The room fell temporarily silent as the three pieced together all scraps of information.’.
  • ‘All of the Security Council resolutions and condemnations would still be issued and still be ignored, scraps of paper amounting to nothing.’.

  • Everyone has a story to scrap